About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to add value to the real estate process by providing objective, independent advice and analytical expertise.
Our advisors will assist in identifying and evaluating the most relevant opportunities and will take the time to understand our client's vision and translate it into a functional, cost-effective real estate solution to meet current and future needs.
Our fully-integrated scope of services includes a strategically defined four-phase process driven by each client's needs and expectations.
Conflict-Free Representation
Since its inception, Tenant Advisors has not solicited nor accepted, nor will it accept any developer or landlord listings at any time during Tenant Advisors' engagement.
Therefore, Tenant Advisors is, and will remain, conflict-free.
Tenant Advisors Core Values

We're guided by the concept, "Do the Right Thing", both internally and externally. We will always do what's right for the client's best interest and put that interest before our own.
We treat our clients and employees with respect, dignity and fairness in all matters. We provide a professional working environment with competitive compensation for all employees.
Character matters. We expect all employees to endorse and live up to our Ethics Statement and value our professional reputation.

We're all in this together. We strive to create an enjoyable work experience for all.
We will learn from one another; we will collaborate with one another; we will foster a fraternity of interdependence.
We will encourage inclusive equity-sharing structures and/or profit sharing plans in all offices.

Live outside the box.
We will maintain a culture of creativity and innovative thinking in which leaders can thrive.
We will empower employees to adapt quickly to circumstances, encouraging flexibility and new ideas.
We reward employees for saving money for our clients and enhancing our clients' revenues.

Summary of Benefits
There are many benefits in using Tenant Advisors' Corporate Real Estate Advisory Services.
Our needs-oriented approach will provide a thorough review and understanding of our clients' requirements and will ensure that all aspects of our clients' criteria are addressed.
We are a full-service advisory firm with the capability of providing one-stop shopping, resulting in continuity and consistency throughout the entire process.
Our attention to detail provides a complete and comprehensive customized market analysis resulting from an objective and unbiased study of all potential scenarios.
In-house research and financial analysis will ensure personalized and timely information specifically detailed to Client's situation.
Our consultative approach enhances the level of detail and quality of service which we provide to each individual client.
By working with a resource group exclusively committed to Corporate Tenant Representation, you will receive maximum response and total commitment to delivering a superior real estate solution, while eliminating any conflicts of interest.